Branching/Merging with CIAO, Delta and Build Manager

To create a branch of a version of a template from CIAO or Build Manager Template Registry to implement a Hot Fix (emergency change, urgent fix, etc), create a promotion path as follows:

  1. In the Build Manager configuration file, add a template from the registry (if it doesn't already exist).

  2. Create a Promotion path as follows:

    1. Promote to development server (may need to add a stored server)

    2. Use a path such as Hot Fix\[%%Filename%%]

    3. Promote as using the same ID used to build the template into the registry (to ensure       access)

    4. Watch the new database, and use the same log file as the original database.  This adds the ‘hot fix’ database into the CIAO/Build Manager config file.

  3. Add an ACL and ACL Entry step to give the developer access to the template.
    Promote the database, which copies it from the Template Registry back to development.  This 'new' database will be under CIAO control, but does not have a version, and the version number is 1.0.  So, to reset the version . . .

  4. Launch CIAO on the hot fix, and Make Version.

    1. Use Baseline for the comment

    2. Use the version section to set the version of the database to what it was when it was      added to the registry.

  5. After the hot fix has been implemented and tested, copy the standard path (or copy the steps from the original database), and promote the database back through the process. 

  6. Merge the changes back to the original database using Delta.

  7. Because of step 4, the next version of this database will be the same version number as the hot fix branch, so promote this database to the template registry.  When the changes to this database are finally complete, it will end up with the next version number in the sequence.

 The hot fix database can be deleted and removed from CIAO/Build Manager, as ongoing development will proceed from the original database.